HNC’s Computer Science students have recently enjoyed exploring the Bradford-Renduchintala Centre for Space AI at the University of Bradford, where they took part in an interactive day designed to develop their knowledge of space technologies and stretch and challenge their programming and coding skills.
The University of Bradford’s Centre for Space AI is a centre focused on developing low-cost, smart, and sustainable technologies using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver on its research goals. On this specially designed day, students from the College’s A Level Computer Science course were invited to take part in a series of workshops aimed at developing their wider knowledge of satellite technology, and the integral role that coding and programming play in this area of space technology development. The group enjoyed an introductory session to satellites, discovering more about why we use them, how to make them, and what elements go into producing a successful satellite. Following this, the group worked with the Space Centre lecturers on a hands-on electronics and coding project, which saw students building replica satellite circuits that they then programmed to collect and wirelessly send data, using microcontrollers including Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
At the end of the day, the group were then tasked with showcasing their work and demonstrating the practical and theoretical coding, programming and design skills learnt in during the workshop. Students were then provided with personalised feedback and guidance on which steps they could take next.
Duane Laverick, Teacher of Computer Science, comments “What a fantastic experience! This engaging and hands-on workshop really did bring to life the extensive career opportunities that an A Level in Computer Science can lead to. As well as being able to stretch their coding and programming skills, the group were also able to develop their wider knowledge of satellites and discover more about the important role computer scientists play in the advancement of space technologies. On the day, our students genuinely embodied our College values; this was a challenging session which saw our students work far beyond their comfort zones, and I am proud of the courage, enthusiasm and motivation they demonstrated in each of the sessions. This was certainly an eye-opening experience and many of our students are excited by the possibilities of where their next steps can take them – to infinity and beyond!”
Here at HNC students can expect a wide range of enriching experiences – inside and outside of the classroom – to support them in becoming their best selves. Join us on Saturday 12 October at our open event to find out about how the HNC Experience Blueprint could help you to become your best self too! Find out more here.